1001 Hours of pure happiness flying the Swiftlight

On May the 28th, while flying a 343km FAI triangle with Philippe Bernard in his Archeopteryx, I passed the 1000 hours airtime with my Swiftlight  🙂

One thousand hours of pure happiness:

36793km XC, almost all closed triangles, more than 20 of more than 300km, some more than 400km, the biggest 485km, 301 landings without any single damage, 10 outlandings (of which 3 voluntarily due to thunderstorms on the destination field).

Who still has any doubt about the qualities of the Swiftlight?

And on the economic side, my Swiftlight is looking like being almost new, had I been flying a rigid, sure I had used 4, plus a bundle of uprights and speedbars…

Didier Givois who is flying a Swiftlight in Challes les Eaux (northern french Alps) is just a little more than 10 hours from the 1000 mark…

I wish you all great flying, without engine,

Jacques Bott  🙂

[cml_media_alt id='2534']Triangle FAI 343km du 28/5/2015[/cml_media_alt][cml_media_alt id='2533']Barographe du 28/05/2015[/cml_media_alt]Best thermal of the day: Average rate of climb +6m/s (900m gain in 2:30 minutes) over the Puimoisson plateau
Best top of climb: 4150m at Col de l’Izoard

And the movie of flying in the Oisan Mountain range with Philippe:
