Twin seat training course in Aspres

On Ask13, a light and slow wood and fabric glider, whose flying domain is near that of the ultralight gliders,

With the new team of Association Aéronautique d’Aspres, our association has organized, to the benefit of its members, a special twin seat training course for ultralight glider student pilots.

The training:

1) An initial one week training course (from Monday to Saturday): your individual training needs will be evaluated, this training will start, pending on your previous pilot’s experience you may even complete this training, or you can just learn safe mountain flying.
2) After this initial one week training course, your training will continue until you are able to fly a single seat ultralight glider.


1) Initial one week training course: 875€, all included (AAA membership, insurance)
For a minimum of both 10 flight hours and 6 standard aerotows (1 standard aerotow = 2 low aerotows for landing training purpose).
2) follow up training as needed: as any AAA member


From the 29th of June till the 30th of August 2015


deposit 395€


1) if you are not yet a member of our association, fill the membership application form
2) fill the form in the page Fly in Aspres / with ADPUL

Adverse weather:

you may choose:
– either to continue your initial training course later,
– or get part of your money back, based on the hours or aerotows not done (deposit not included)
[cml_media_alt id='2106']K13 Aspres hiver[/cml_media_alt]
