The biggest closed circuit task ever launched in the Free Flight world

The biggest Free Flight task* ever launched in the world

a 349km task, with 100% pilots at goal 🙂

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The winner’s track

But due to a flight instrument’s failure, Pavel came back without turning the last 2 waypoints.

Cumulonimbus developments were forecasted in Ecrins,  Queraz, Ubaye and Haut Verdon.
The task was set with a first turn point at the Agneaux just in front of the  Glacier Blanc, and the rest of the circuit keeping the pilots out of the thunderstorm developing area.

Pilots enjoyed the flying in the 4000m Ecrins mountain range, and those coming back late evening appreciated the return via the Obiou mountain range whose giant west faces, heated by the setting down sun, produced the easy but very needed lift on a long distance.

Landing out 2km away from the airfield after its first aerotow, Philippe performed a relaunch before the start gate opening after setting down, being retrieved, and setting its Archaeopteryx up again !

See the results

* closed circuit
