Welcome to our now traditional 6th Southern Alps Big Tasks international competition in Aspres sur Buëch, from July the 24th till August the 1st
All the pilots who participate to this competition loved it due to the easy cross country flying conditions and the beautiful landscapes of the the Southern French Alps.
Even if you are not a XC « Big Dog » don’t be afraid to participate, we will design tasks so as after 200km you are in the vicinity of the airfield; so if you are slow or tired, you can land home, while the top pilots continue fighting on the next 100km of the task. We set our tasks along routes or ridges where we know XC flying is easy. Have a look at the report of our first Big Tasks competition in the COMPETITION menu, it tells a lot about the philosophy we will apply for task setting.
This competition is open to both aero-tow launched or self electric launched Class FAI 2 hanggliders.
It is registered on the FAI calendar (N°14849)
To register, fill the registration form here below.
You will get a link to pay your registration fee.
Please read the local rules before, they are downloadable here