XC weeks

We fly XC from March till late summer in Aspres sur Buech; ADPUL provides continuous aerotowing to its members during all the flying season.

But this year, we invite our XC pilots to fly together from Aspres airfield.

On the menu: weather briefing, returns of experiences, squadron like XC flying, post flight debriefing, and friendly atmosphere  🙂

from April the 15th till May the 1st 2017: high XC (wether you are a class 1, 2 or 5 pilot, you are welcome)

Let us know your coming.

To see the April 2015 flights (in 2016 we had too bad weather), go down in the Catégorie d’Articles « Great flights » (right side bar on a computer screen)

To see the registered pilots, click here

