Archives par auteur: jac

Le rassemblement de Belfort

Sur les 25 pilotes inscrits à notre rassemblement annuel de planeurs ultra-légers, 15 ne se sont pas laissé décourager par une prévision météo désastreuse, et par ailleurs, 5 élèves sont venus. Un belge, un luxembourgeois, un allemand, des anglais, des…
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Belfort fly together week

Among the 25 registered pilots to our annual meeting, 15 decided to come despite the bad weather forecast, so as 5 student pilots. They came from Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Portugal, and of course France. Their perseverance paid…
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ADPUL’s 2019 guidelines

As electric launch devices are strongly developing, we are adapting our policy. Regulations ADPUL initiated discussions with the French Aviation Administration (DGAC), the CIVL of the FAI, and the French Free Flight Federation; our goal is that the administrative rules,…
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