The new bungee launch system from ADPUL is outperforming the former one, thanks to the 15m long 12mm diameter bungees which can be extended up to 220% without damage:
With 10 bungees extended at 200% giving an initial launch force of 295Kg, the 70kg Test pilot reached an estimated height of 12 meters (he may have benefited from more head wind above a couple of meters over the ground). That was 3 time the best height reached with the former bungee launch system. He landed past the middle of the runway length (more than a 450m glide) 🙂
And for the same heights/glides, the 2 test pilots reported much smoother accelerations than with the former catapult 🙂
A lot of fun is on the agenda for the future student pilots…
Many thanks to Pascal, Sebastien, Claire, Andréas and Peter, who helped Jac in assembling, installing, evaluating and calibrating the new catapult.