Trailer for Swiftlight

Vz max in Serres (french southern Alps) is trying to get serial production of a trailer for Swiftlight. It’s hard to get their interest for less than 10 units.

If you are looking for a trailer for your Swift or Swiftlight, let it be known by Vz max here.

Swiftlight Cobra trailer

Remorque légère pour Swiftlight

Unloading of a Swiftlight cage from a Cobra trailer

Déchargement du fuselage d’un Swiftlight d’une remorque Cobra

Front storage compartment of a Swiftlight Cobra trailer

compartiment de stockage à l’avant d’une remorque Cobra pour Swiftlight

Aft view of a Swiftlight Cobra trailer

Remorque Cobra pour Swiftlight vue de l’arrière, porte ouverte

Swiftlight's wing unloading from a Cobra trailer

