Evgeny came from Russie for the Swiftlight training course delivered by ADPUL in Aspres sur Buech:
- Thirsday: flight check in an Ask13 tandem glider
- Friday morning and Saturday morning: bungee initial training course
- Sunday: first solo flight in the morning (aerotowed), then a 2:20 hours flight during which he climbed to 2500m
- Monday morning: 4 short flights to train in making different kind of approaches
- Wednesday: in the morning 3 short flights to train in S approach, then later a ridge soaring flight over Longeagne ridge.
Full training course completed, he is now able to fly a Swiftlight without assistance of an instructor.
Paraglider pilot with limited experience in 3 axes controlled aircraft (some glider flights), he believes flying the Condor simulator helped him a lot in successfully achieving the training course.
His comments after his first flight:
His photos and videos are here