

The Association pour le Développement du Planeur Ultra-Léger (ADPUL) is a french non profit registered association created in September 2014.

The association is organizing the ultralight glider activity in the Southern Alps:
• Ultralight-gliders aerotowing
• classe 2 ultralight-glider pilots training
• classe 2 ultralight-glider compétitions

Its other purposes are:
• negotiating, with the aviation authorities, the conditions for flying non foot launchable ultralight gliders
• advocate for ultra-light glider pilots  with the authorities, federations, insurance companies, etc, in France and Europe.

ADPUL is member of the French hanggliding federation (FFVL), registration nb 01039.

Link to the first section of the by-laws setting the purposes of the association


[cml_media_alt id='1046']CarreMilieu[/cml_media_alt]


Ph +33 972 506 826 (wired)
Mobile +33 676 73 93 76

Write to us

The founder members

Pierre-Yves Bélot, Jacques Bott, David Chaumet, Didier Givois, Pascal Lanser, Michel Pernot, Manfred Ruhmer, Gil Souviron, Douglas Taylor

The board

President: Philippe Harignordoquy
Vice President: Jacques Bott
Secretary: Pascal Lanser
Treasurer: Michel Pate

Our skills

  • 2 Ultralight Glider designers,
  • 2Ultralight Glider builder,
  • 1 composite technician,
  • 1 hang glider designer,
  • 2 SupAero engineers,
  • 1 SupElec engineer,
  • 1 CNAM engineer,
  • 1 engineer in nuclear physics,
  • 1 IPHC engineer (production management),
  • 4 airline pilots,
  • 1 test pilot,
  • the glider tester from « Vol à Voile » magazine,
  • French champions of Delta and Rigid Wing (FAI 5 class),
  • a multiple world champion Delta (FAI class 1) & ultra-light glider (FAI class 2)
  • FAI world record holders in FAI class 2,
  • a world OLC winner
  • 5 top sportsmen and women,
  • 5 of the 6 members of the French World Champion Team FAI 5 class in 2006,
  • 2 motorized ultralight flight instructors,
  • 2 Sailplane flight instructors,
  • 3 Free Flight Instructors


We have many projects, but in those budgetary restrictions times, the level of grants and subsidies is going deep down 🙁
So donations are welcome; to get our bank details, contact us.


The goal of our projects is to reduce our environmental impact and open access to the airsports to a wider public (young or disabled people).
Should your company become a partner of us in such a project, we would fully cooperate.

Legal notices

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