Roger Ruppert wanted to come to Aspres for flying since Easter, but the weather didn’t cooperate till this week. And the flying window was very narrow: only 3 days. He needs one full day to drive to Aspres, and another one to come back home to Wald, East Switzerland… That’s not worth to come for so few days.
So, eventually, he decided to come Monday to Aspres by air with his Archaeopteryx, this is already one day spared. But that morning it was still raining home… but it stopped, and he decided to try to come despite the poor flying conditions…
We followed his attempt, thanks to his Spot tracker, it was really exciting, and especially in the evening, when it was clear that the day might be too short for him to succeed…
But he made it, with stressful low points, proving us the Obiou mountain range is also a very good late evening route with North wind.
Many thanks to Roger, for this demonstration of the abilities of ultralight gliders in weak flying conditions.
422km is great, but with a good weather, he would for sure have reached the mediterranean sea shore…