Today wave

The weather forecast once again was wrong: an unexpected grey cloud layer invaded the sky at 9am 🙁

Phil’s, Christian’s & jac’s Swiftlights and the Archeopteryx from Alex, Andi’s one remained in the trailer due to a gastroenteritis

Phil’s, Christian’s & jac’s Swiftlights and the Archeopteryx from Alex, Andi’s one remained in the trailer due to a gastroenteritis

But flying was interesting thanks to the wave generated by the ObiouOndeObiou


+0,7m/s, slow climb, but in a full laminar flow, what’s a pleasure

Note the 49km/h headwind (forget the 19km/h wind speed displayed, that was the las time I was circling, much more below)

Note the 49km/h headwind (forget the 19km/h wind speed displayed, that was the las time I was circling, much more below)

Top of climb 3575m

Top of climb 3575m



