Fall training session in Aspres sur Buëch

From Oct/26th till Nov/4 we had a successful training session, except from the 27th till the 30th of October due to the strong north wind (Mistral). We were operating from sun rise till sunset.

Doug, Markus and Christoph completed the bungees launched initial training course.

Christoph couldn’t make his first solo flight due to the Mistral as he had to come back home before the return of the fair weather.

Doug made his first solo flight, a 1 hour flight 🙂  thanks to the good soaring conditions; he is the 16th pilot to have done his first solo flight with ADPUL in a little more than 2 years.

Marc and Jacques completed their advanced training courses. They are now proficient enough to fly alone safely. They are the 7th and 8th pilots to have completed the full training course delivered by ADPUL;

Every day we had good ridge soaring or thermal conditions, allowing the pilots to accumulate airtime (top of climbs 2000m).

Here are some picture:

Sunset, gliders set up


Briefing before bungee launch

Markus ready for bungee launch

Marc’s beautiful restored « old Swift »

Halloween? yes… its only our tow pilot making himself ready

Lunch time

Doug after his first solo flight



